Garden of Dreams

Bandari Turning歌词

01/31 03:27
Turning - Bandari Bandari 即 班得瑞 作品特色 实地走访瑞士的罗春湖畔和玫瑰山麓.阿尔卑斯山收藏自然元音. 主要强调一种轻柔的绝对性,是最纯净'最能安定人心的音乐处方签. 独特超广角音场.空灵缥缈的编曲构成最具高临场感的大自然音乐. 清爽的配乐架构处零压力.零负担的乐曲, 更细琢的每一轨声道的解析度,使音场效果更具空灵感 流水.雀鸟之声,能镇静人的情绪,松弛身心, 给人以返回大自然的感觉. Alpha脑电波会增加,左右脑的沟通亦会更加有效, 智慧因而慢慢打开,沁人心脾.

The Flower Kings Garden of Dreams歌词

12/01 07:38
Puppets & Prunes in the world of Balloons, where all tears run dry Flaming Old Sisters & Marmelade Misters watch trains go by Little one used to laugh in the sun Now he's a soldier with nowhere to run Flowers & Trees in the Garden of Dreams, m