W.E.T Shot歌词

Im running blind into the dark
Cause I cant find my way, my way back home
You clearly stole my heart
Pretending your goodbyes were my hellos

The smile upon my face is gone
How do you live your life with all youve done
Was I so blind to see, who knows
I'll never understand your damaged soul

Youve gone and broke another promise
Think I shouldve known the truth from the start
To you its just a game
As you fired a shot, shot, shot through the heart
Im looking for some solace
I never know the reasons why we fell apart
To me its all the same
Its all just a shot, shot, shot through the heart

I guess you never felt the pain
The kind that never goes away, away at all
I was too blind to see, I know
Ill never know the way you chose to go

Youve gone and broke another promise
You think I shouldve known the truth from the start
To you its just a game
As you fired a shot, shot, shot through the heart
Im looking for some solace
I never know the reasons why we fell apart
To me its just the same
Its all just a shot, shot, shot through the heart

Youve gone and broke another promise
Think I shouldve known the truth from the start
To you its just a game
As you fired a shot, shot, shot through the heart
And if the hurt should ever go away
I know the memories are here to stay
Ill still feel, still feel your shot, shot, shot through the heart

Ill say it again, you gave me a shot, shot, shot through the heart
Another shot through the heart

  • 专辑:Rise Up
  • 歌手:W.E.T
  • 歌曲:Shot

Tags: Rise Up, W.E.T, Shot


W.K. 草木辞歌词

12/07 09:13
烟雨一路绸缪 楚云微卷流风藏袖 也曾低眉抿恩仇 千杯酒遍洒沙丘 刀光剑影浸透 几时江湖并辔远走 是非正邪在心中 宁静致远情无休 谁倚楼 听月酒入喉 一曲西洲 江清月白也临风纵歌抚弦如水而流 谁踏风雪如约而侯 几时归鸿 我遮天影触清风 尘归梦 谁敲船舷过山万重 白云苍狗 青川绿水我同杯 话风流 听秋风 吹落阶前柳 踽踽何从 我愿坐辨云起卧听江潮浮生快意游 谁剑尽挽意写苍穹 微熏而侯 我遮天影触晴空 云飞袖 谁把清浊冷暖看透 聚散倥偬 我长揖坐水行舟 解凡忧 专辑:草木辞 歌手:W.K. 歌曲:草木

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W.K. 素问天枢歌词

12/06 12:11
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W.K. 新霸王别姬歌词

12/02 15:26
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W.K. 醉寒江歌词

12/11 06:10
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Filter Hey Man, Nice Shot歌词

12/04 04:44
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12/06 23:49
高达W主题曲 JUST COMMUNICATION 作词/作曲/编曲:TWO-MIX 歌:TWO-MIX JUST WILD BEAT COMMUNICATION 雨に打たれながら 色あせない熱い想い 身体中で伝えたいよ TONIGHT! 濡れたその肩を 暖めるように抱いた 震えてる指先は 何を求めてさまようの? 途切れ途切れでも 伝えて欲しい痛みを 冷めた振りする事で 大人になんてなれない あなたの眼差し守りたい 悲しみ強さに変える爱を信じて ☆ JUST WILD BEAT COMMUNIC