今井ちひろ Forever Blue歌词

Forever Blue
イリヤの空 UFOの夏 OP

悲しみに試される度 少しずつ強くなってく/每次承受悲伤的考验 都能够变得坚强一点
ありふれた毎日の中 夢の続き 追いかけて/在平凡的每一天 追逐着梦想的延续

歩き疲れて見上げた空 深くどこまでも来る/奔波疲劳后 抬头看着天空 到处都是深邃的蔚蓝一片
ちっぽけな自分抱き締めて それでも進んでく/抱紧渺小的自己 不顾一切地继续前进

あなたに会いたい 笑顔を伝えたい/想见你 将笑容传递给你
あなたがいるから 光が生まれるの/因为有你 我的世界才有光明

遥かなる優しい締めで 遠い空飛べて届くの/远方优美的旋律 穿越遥远的天空而来
夢の奥 かけがえのない 甘い痛み満ちてゆく/胸口深处 渐渐充满 无可替代的甜蜜伤痛

耳を澄ませば聞こえる声 そっと目覚めて潜る/凝神倾听传来的声音 那是悄悄觉醒的真实
曖昧な心吹き捨てて まっすぐ駆け出そう/舍弃暧昧的心 径直朝前方跑去

求め合う思いが ひとつになる時/不约而同的思念融为一体
言葉にできない 愛しさ溢れてく/无法用言语表达 满溢而出的爱

傷付いた季節はやがて 永遠の夏に変わるの/伤痕累累的季节 即将化为永恒的夏日
温もりを繋いでいてね ずっと側で見つめてる/请与我交换那一份温暖 我会永远在身边看着你

悲しみに試される度 少しずつ強くなってく/每次承受悲伤的考验 都能够变得坚强一点
大丈夫 守り続けたい 大事なもの見つけたの/没关系 继续的守护下去 因为已经找到最宝贵的东西

  • 专辑:Forever Blue
  • 歌手:今井ちひろ
  • 歌曲:Forever Blue


Swing Out Sister Forever Blue歌词

12/21 16:22
Nights don't come any longer Days seem to last forever Nothing you can do Could bring him back to you Forever blue Trying hard to force a smile behind your tears Though you try these memories won't disappear Your heart's still beating out of time Nig

David Gilmour The Blue歌词

12/02 19:07
Shameless sea Aimlessly so blue Midnight-moon shines for you still,marooned Silence drifting through Nowhere to choose Just blue.... Ceaselessly Star-crossed you and me Save our souls We'll be forever blue Waves roll Lift us in blue Drift us Seep rig

Ren Harvieu Forever in Blue歌词

01/30 22:30
Forever In Blue - Ren Harvieuv Forever in blue, So under the moon. So play the notes in the Saddest of tunes. You fall in love And you will be too- Forever in blue, In a game without rules. Trusting and whisper sweet Promises true. It's a chance that

Cookies Forever Friends歌词

01/28 13:42
作曲:林一峰 作词:林一峰 + 朱治良 编曲:四方果@POO RECORDS 监制:四方果 + EVI YANG 歌词吾爱 记得当天一起唱告别校园时 那些愉快动人琴声 仍像奏到面前 让我轻闭着眼睛 记住同学每张脸 这感觉 仿佛更新鲜 这天满翻开这本记念册再想到你 小心用胶纸封了表 来让我更希冀 若照片有日退色 你在文字里给我 好天气 应该也很美 曾共你天天相对 失恋也一起 共你担心功课 赶不到限期 班房间里放影机 逐格愉快记忆 在倒退 让我看真你 明日我翻开笔记 即使记不起 学过数理经济 通通都

Lake of Tears To Blossom Blue歌词

12/30 13:13
I'm bleeding in ways of the fire burned 我在滴血,痛如火灼 I'm crying in ways of the nightbird 我在哭泣,哀鸣如鸮 No more is there one to lay by my side 身旁无人相偎 I'm straying straying in nightmares all the time 孤独的我始终在梦魇里漂荡 A little something I know 总有一缕香痕 A little some

Charlotte Perrelli Black & Blue歌词

12/23 14:29
Black & Blue Lyrics I thought we were done That our chance had come and gone Then you come smiling Begging me trying To make things right Help me through this night All i ever wanted All i ever had The truth is i missed you Oh so bad My body is achin

Various Artists Forever Young 歌词

12/02 16:18
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Laurel Music Into The Blue歌词

11/28 21:57
Into The Blue - Laurel Music I've been scared of silence since you flew baby we were fools without a clue reaching for the things we never knew searching every beat that wasn't true the saddest thing i've ever had to do was finally accepting that our

Budd Johnson Serenade in Blue歌词

11/27 18:16
When I hear that Serenade in blue I'm somewhere in another world, alone with you Sharing all the joys we used to know Many moons ago Once again your face comes back to me Just like the theme of some forgotten melody In the album of my memory Serenade