Anthelion SnakeCorpse歌词

  Dark heavens the blissful earth chokes
Conquered by shadows of a thousand crows
Pestilential stench, rotten corpse
Befogs the forest, death-stricken
Forceful will of retaliation
The tender undertone of Satan
Preaching of our fate and of our enemies
Despising the grace of divinity

Sins acute, piercing veins
Bloodshed stains the iron chains
Scales dark pitched, eyes gleaming green
Insignia of our tribe, destiny slain
Ghastly hair prolonged by hate
Weaving sins, vigorous, strained
This bloody pledge that we take
Bleeds wisdom through the eyes of the Snake

  In the eyes
  The darker side
  Daystar fades
  Nightstar glides

  Argently the starlight shines
  Reflecting the shaft of the scythe
  Fear follows, blood drains
  Annihilation echoes in the valley's gloom
  Ramping thunderous, road of revenge
  The Dark Ride carries his headpiece lanced
  Gradually drawing close
  Devouring your peace desiring soul

  Dark funerals, sullen air swells
  The death-lake swallowed the moonlight, chilled
  Thirteen corpses in cerement enslaved
  The Sorceress whispers the Snake-god's will
  Sky ripping bats from under-earth soar
  Warriors roar a cry of war
  Bloodthirsty tunes they croak
  From the depths of hell they evoke

  Dark descendants
  This you will revive
  Damnation, our destiny
  Darkness never the light shall free
  Warfare will forever be

  Brutal tunes, torments sing
  Weeping angels, smoldering wings
  Scars innumerous incised
  Seizing that tear from a sorrowful eye
  Distorted countenance seen
  Forking evil, two-pointed tongues
  Savoring the sweetness of deathly beings
  Devouring innocent dreams
  To hell you sanctimonious souls
  Preposterous apostles of God
  I'll scorn your relentless death
  Beings, dirty, despicable
  Now is the hour you all shall die
  Your wretched moans shall linger
  Until the time your blood runs dry
  In gasping pain you lie

  Nightmares soon shall fade
  Soul-betrayed corpse of the Snake
  Disbursements for boundless power
  Vacuity, misery, torment, anxiety
  Angel who walks in the shadow of the shade
  In peace all shall retire

  This time those eyes disclose de novo
  Sharpness of gleaming green
  Scattering, slicing, swords of ray
  Suckling blood, slaughtering heat
  Tempting trap of poisonous fangs
  Now left everlastingly senseless
  The damned among the living
  Till eternity reconciling

  • 专辑:沐血再临
  • 歌手:Anthelion
  • 歌曲:SnakeCorpse


Anthelion 黑羽歌词

12/06 07:16
失序 噩梦般穿越 赤红血腥的兽 倒转时序 堆砌纯白流逝 凝视如冰霜静止 恐惧 疾如电掣风驰 覆盖逃向未知 濒死之前 紧握最终的手 妖异浑浊的梦 翻越 坠落 冷漠的视线 汇聚 捆绑着肉身 无声哭号 溃堤的鸦 盘旋绝望之城 尸体等待重生 灼烧的伤痕 徒留了怨恨 升华的灵魂 振翅飞翔 飞往日出之向 噩耗 夜火照耀 燃烧 时间沙漏流逝 深陷泥沼 過往一幕幕咧搬 血迹煞袂乾 纓纏袂煞 離別的批是為誰 一字字咧寫 寫完告別再行 倾颓的世界 横流苦痛梦回 恨曲不成调 余音缭绕 诗词狂舞 编织 夜幕笼罩 黎明將

Anthelion 血嫁歌词

11/30 16:14
烟雨夜遥空织纱以鲜血作嫁 幽独寰宇孤声泣潸然泪下 终尽殊绝赭红花葬 心凝魂瘁崩裂奔流动荡 离析神伤 破落天壤羽缎纷飞 绮变幻境心寄花萎 今世结发三千星岁难解 悠长离恨赋新辞夜饮杯 星斗降临虚空幽凄怆 阴风残雨落霜寒凝雪妆 冥寂孤影黔泪勾纹面 独行浩漫银河形残身秽沐血泽 破碎闯梦蜕飘落东方 折琴流水绝弦音还谁此伤 哀逝长眠溺川静默诀别 鬓发双斑羽翼断魂灵凋谢冥狱堕还 身坠万丈寒冰宛若荆棘戮刑 刺骨穿心恸凝刺骨穿心 魂魄染血幽碧瞳目空千年界幻灭 原罪我命链锁原罪终归我命 梦歼散异歼散形败残 过落轩以

Anthelion 破魂录歌词

12/24 12:45
天譴炙 烽火延 焚燃日月之蝕 穿刺 怒雷飛矢 屠戮 萬惡交織 戰亂闢燎原 河川赤紅如血 山崩地裂 屍首堆疊 風雲變 暴襲 肆殘虐 血鐮煞奪命催 孤掠殺 狂灼焰 禍殃聖光剿滅 幽冥 妖氣悚 斷翼墮溺邪 魂煉 焦骨炙獄炎 幻化 再臨界 破魂 噬天 翼 蛻羽黑 魂漸醒 聚凝念 神動靈變 翅展光炫 揚 騰躍翔 空明滅 狂風捲 長嘯怒號 漫天飛旋 長恨千年 誓還仇 率軍揚塵 寰宇驟滅 神敵號令 盡其誅殺 末日決戰 滅世破天 戰 箭凝弓弦 齊發萬千 血雨碧落 流向黃泉 振翼罪孽 慟殺天闕 破魂悽怨 永葬寰宇

Anthelion 曼珠沙華歌词

12/14 13:17
凝窒 嘆息 啞聲呼喚記憶 蒼白剎然而起 飄散 懸盪 兀自閉鎖囚禁 寄生百年孤寂 泥濘 凍寒霧氣 消逝之光影 蔓延成結琉璃 悽凜 幽魅之呼吸 泣聲交疊來去 夜頌恐懼滿盈 猙獰 闇影祭 勾牽亡靈 猶如環擁諷刺惡意 侵襲 不祥禍殃 絕期 斑駁搖曳怯弱凋零 花葉相錯 永恆枷鎖 彼岸指引 火照直通幽冥 隔絕 訕笑 曲折幾許浮靡 窺見殘破之心 翻湧 紛飛 徒然萬般迂迴 待放不期跌墬 待放黃泉花蕊 語破碎 嚎啕之悲 鬼哭 泫然欲泣 血訴 鮮豔欲滴 刑破滅 黯淡無光 陰間綻放 飛舞漫天風雪 凝窒 嘆息 啞聲呼喚

Anthelion 急遽.幻滅歌词

11/28 23:48
天降陰雨 刺骨風霜 沉寂寧靜 抑制的殺欲 月光 枯枝倒影 化作痀僂身軀 驚懼 夢魘醒 急遽 白晝換繁星移 繁星移 黑夜再現 瞬即 驟然幻滅 舐血 微笑揚起 蒼白的面容 惡魔印記 黑風襲 狂嘯 迴繞 猶似哭號淒厲 雷霆 烏雲罩頂 絕望 深似無底 惡夢再現 死神降臨 崩毀 急遽幻滅 嗜血狂鐮 鮮紅淋漓 獠牙吞噬 死神奪命 殘殺慾望 血染夜殤 歌頌唱詠 幽暮之華 专辑:Mañjusaka 歌手:Anthelion 歌曲:急遽.幻滅

Anthelion 墓海歌词

12/09 07:11
夜黑 怒激涛起 征战歌扬环海响 杀戮 以血谱曲 声声勾魂灵激荡 尸身纵弦音夜破空 残首四落降血霜 暗涌翻腾千里延 吞噬殆尽海啸葬 夙夜静 碧海袭 星繁无垠淬血晶 蛇骸咒 千年禁 凝聚 拓疆战途航必行 妖悚迎 黑风啸 雷惊电响战地轰 幽碧瞳 獠牙突 铁锁夺魂溃血崩 溃血崩 夜黑 怒激涛起 征战歌扬环海响 杀戮 以血谱曲 声声勾魂灵激荡 尸身纵弦音夜破空 残首四落降血霜 暗涌翻腾千里延 吞噬殆尽海啸葬 手刃天使 撕裂羽翼残肢 血溅碧瞳 狂啸 君临 怒气张 杀意现 擂鼓鸣 弓弦奏速箭 呼啸 急窜 浪涛

Anthelion 灰白之川歌词

12/06 06:50
靜默川流 洞悉著空洞 迷途之風 蜷縮哭泣顫抖 花如烈炎 芬芳而鮮紅 燃燒雙翼 永隔黑夜白晝 輕撫凍結凝滯時空 交錯 荒木枯槁枝纏結 結成昔日罪過 傷痕縛 針刺蒼白魂魄 千瘡百孔 過往漂向無際川流 霧氣飄邈 死灰之河籠罩 陰間巡鳥盤旋 啞聲呼嚎 佇立照看 飄墮黑羽落降 流轉 旅人冥行步履蹣跚 婆娑妖異之舞 步向火照之路 利爪魘 幻夢陷 雕塑赤裸 驚恐 浮沉知感混濁 欲裂之又復醒覺 掏絕過往 埋葬今日之昨 空蕩 刻劃寂寥 剝奪虛無所感皆異如常 憶隨明日之潮清澈 生命流逝乾涸 祈願 光燒灼 訴說 永日

Lene Marlin Maybe I'll Go歌词

12/14 17:49
Maybe I'll Go By Lene Marlin You think youve made it everythings going so fine But then appears someone who wanna Tear you down Wanna rip you off those few nice things youve found When and if you hit the ground. Then its falling kinda hard Cause all

Stevie Hoang I'll Be Fine歌词

12/04 11:37
Stevie Hoang - I'll Be Fine (lyrics by 夕梨@MaxRNB) ~ 歌词来自映云, & yanyin修改 ~ It's better if we don't speak at all, at all, at all It's better if we don't speak at all, at all, at all, at all Now deep down inside (you know) It cuts like a knife But I'm to