Loreena McKennitt The Bonny Swans歌词

古老的爱尔兰传说:“三姐妹走在小河边,妒忌的大姐突然把小妹妹推落到河里,因为小妹妹得到了王子的真爱。小妹妹一路求救,一路漂流……淹死了的小妹妹,变成了一只美丽的金色天鹅,被好心人捞起。刚好一个乐器工匠从那路过,他用天鹅的羽毛和骨头做成了一把美丽的竖琴,弹奏出动人的乐曲。竖琴最终被工匠送到了王宫,恶毒的大姐早已如愿以偿的成为王子的新娘,而竖琴也默默的陪伴着王子……” 美丽忧伤的故事,让我无法平静的听了很多遍。歌曲旋律相当简单,但编制精美,浓重的爱尔兰风格,Loreena 的柔美唱腔以及这动人的传说,让人不断的回味,久久不能忘怀。

A farmer there lived in the north country
a hey ho bonny o
And he had daughters one, two, three
The swans swim so bonny o
These daughters they walked by the river's brim
a hey ho bonny o
The eldest pushed the youngest in
The swans swim so bonny o

Oh sister, oh sister, pray lend me your hand
with a hey ho a bonny o
And I will give you house and land
the swans swim so bonny o
I'll give you neither hand nor glove
with a hey ho a bonny o
Unless you give me your own true love
the swans swim so bonny o

Sometimes she sank, sometimes she swam
with a hey ho and a bonny o
Until she came to a miller's dam
the swans swim so bonny o

The miller's daughter, dressed in red
with a hey ho and a bonny o
She went for some water to make some bread
the swans swim so bonny o

Oh father, oh daddy, here swims a swan
with a hey ho and a bonny o
It's very like a gentle woman
the swans swim so bonny o
They placed her on the bank to dry
with a hey ho and a bonny o
There came a harper passing by
the swans swim so bonny o

He made harp pins of her fingers fair
with a hey ho and a bonny o
He made harp strings of her golden hair
the swans swim so bonny o
He made a harp of her breast bone
with a hey ho and a bonny o
And straight it began to play alone
the swans swim so bonny o

He brought it to her father's hall
with a hey ho and a bonny o
And there was the court, assembled all
the swans swim so bonny o
He laid the harp upon a stone
with a hey ho and a bonny o
And straight it began to play lone
the swans swim so bonny o

And there does sit my father the King
with a hey ho and a bonny o
上面坐着年长的 是我的父王
And yonder sits my mother the Queen
the swans swim so bonny o
稍远坐着的 是我的母后
And there does sit my brother Hugh
with a hey ho and a bonny o
And by him William, sweet and true
the swans swim so bonny o
And there does sit my false sister, Anne
with a hey ho and a bonny o
Who drowned me for the sake of a man
the swans swim so bonny o

  • 专辑:The Mask and Mirror
  • 歌手:Loreena McKennitt
  • 歌曲:The Bonny Swans


Loreena McKennitt The Mummers' Dance歌词

10/07 06:44
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