Jesus Culture Beautiful歌词

Verse 1
I need you like the rain
Come to me and sing again
I long for you love so much
I've wanted your pure touch

You are beautiful, beautiful
You are beautiful, beautiful
So beautiful, beautiful

Verse 2
I need you to be here
Come to me I can feel you near
I love you you are my hope
And you love me as your own

Chorus Repeated (Keep going as long as you want)

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah (2X)

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah (as long as you want)

  • 专辑:Your love never fails
  • 歌手:Jesus Culture
  • 歌曲:Beautiful


Jesus Culture Rooftops歌词

12/02 08:26
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Jesus Culture Break Every Chain歌词

12/22 01:00
There is power in the name of Jesus There is power in the name of Jesus There is power in the name of Jesus To break every chain Break every chain Break every chain There is power in the name of Jesus There is power in the name of Jesus There is powe

Jesus Culture One Thing Remains 歌词

12/22 09:02
Higher than the mountains that I face Stronger than the power of the grave Constant through the trial and the change One thing- Remains [repeat] [Chorus:] Your love never fails, never gives up Never runs out on me [3x] On and on and on and on it goes

Jesus Culture King Of Glory歌词

01/08 22:21
(Verse 1) Your face outshines the brightest sun, Jesus you're glorious. You are so glorious. With eyes that blaze like burning fire, Jesus you're glorious, you are so glorious. (Verse 2) Your face outshines the brightest sun, Jesus you're glorious. Y

Jesus Culture Your Love Is Everything歌词

12/11 16:59
When I'm dry and thirsty, Lord And I'm crying out for more I know I can trust in your love In the darkness, in the night When I'm starving for the light I know I can trust in Your love. You keep no record of my sin You don't remember all my shame You

Jesus Culture Happy Day歌词

01/27 21:30
Verse 1: The greatest day in history, Death is beaten You have rescued me Sing it out Jesus is alive The empty cross, The empty grave Life eternal You have won the day Shout it out Jesus is alive He's alive Chorus: Oh happy day, happy day You washed

Jesus Culture Your Love Never Fails歌词

01/29 08:29
Nothing can separate Even if I ran away Your love never fails I know I still make mistakes But You have new mercies for me everyday Your love never fails Chorus: You stay the same through the ages Your love never changes There may be pain in the nigh

Jesus Culture You Won't Relent歌词

12/08 23:14
You won't relent Until You have it all My heart is Yours I'll set You as a seal upon my heart As a seal upon my arm For there is love that is as strong as death Jealousy demanding as the grave And many waters cannot quench this love Come be the fire

Jesus Culture See His Love歌词

11/28 22:10
Verse 1: See His love nailed onto a cross Perfect and blameless life given as sacrifice See Him there all in the name of love Broken yet glorious, all for the sake of us Chorus: This is Jesus in His glory King of Heaven dying for me It is finished, H